Friday, July 8, 2011

A friend who used to work for a photography studio took some nice family pictures of us in the park in May and I'm finally getting around to posting them. The kiddos did pretty good.

Awwwww. I love this one!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Thank you mom for coming out and watching the kiddos so we could head to NYC for a few days. We had a great trip filled with tasty meals in Little Italy, strolling Highline Park, a Yankee's game, Chicago on Broadway and lots of roaming the streets. We put on 25 miles in 2.5 days. We even met up with Roberto's cousin and his wife who live in Brooklyn for diner and drinks one night. What a great trip!

I have to admit that a guilty peasure is watching Keeping up with the Kardashians so I had to go and check out the store. First we had to wait in line to get in and then the store was really not that impressive. Pretty small store, overpriced clothing and nothing that even remotely caught my eye.

June 2011

Playing in the pool. Muscle girl.
We went to Knoelebels Amusement Park and the kiddos had a great time on all of the kiddie rides. It was a super fun day. We'll definitely have to go back there. Aliya was so cute protecting her little brother on the ride.